Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Returning from Ometepe

We are back from Ometepe in one piece and believe me that was definitely not a given. We (at least half of us) climbed the 5 steep, slippery, yet beautiful Kilometers to the crater of volcano Maderas.

It says something about us when we climb a true global natural wonder, but we are far more impressed by a composting toilet at its base. This toilet is in Finca Bona Fide, a research center for cultivation and design in the tropics. This project shows how smart landscape management can lead to a sustainable way of growing things and smart space planning. Further reading is definitely recommended.

Composting Toilet - Finca Bona Fide

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the compost toilet. Nothing like shitting in a hollow log.
Is the exterior of compost toilet you all are building going to be made with sheet metal or aluminum like in the model (in the next post)?